05/10/02 tough puzzle from sudoku.com.au

This one is equivalent to 05/09/12. Proof :

1) Take 05/09/12 grid, turn it 90° clockwise.

[Maple Plot] [Maple Plot]

2) Now move rows 123456789 (1=bottom!) on new positions 312654897, then move columns abcdefghi(a=left!) on new positions gihdefbac. Do you begin to feel like "déjà vu?"

[Maple Plot] [Maple Plot] [Maple Plot]

3) All that's left now is to renumber last grid's values 123456789 on 834591726 and you get exactly 05/10/02's puzzle.

4) Now applying the same "dictionary" (rotating, changing rows, columns, values) to proof of 09/12 you will mechanically get a proof of today's. Try it !

See equivalent puzzles :
09/12,09/26,09/27, 09/29, 10/02.

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